Voeg een Windows 10 computer toe aan Azure Active Directory (AAD)
Prepare your Windows 10 device to join AAD
- If you did not make an RDP connection yet, connect to the newly created O/S, by using the Administrator1 account
- Open Windows Settings
- In the Windows Settings search field type Remote Desktop Settings
- Click the Remote Desktop Settings (><) selection
- In the Remote Desktop screen, scroll down to User accounts and select: ‘Select users that can remotely access this PC’
- In the Remote Desktop Users screen, click Add
- In the Enter Object Names field, type Authenticated Users and click Check Names
- Add this group and click OK
- Back again in the Remote Desktop screen, scroll up again to the Enable Remote Desktop section, and click Advanced settings
- Uncheck the option: Require computers to use Network Level Authentication and select Proceed Anyway
- Close the Advanced Settings screen
- Change a registry key on the virtual PC to allow AAD logons from a Remote Desktop Client:
- Open RegEdit
- Navigate to this key:
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\TerminalServer\WinStations\RDP-Tcp
- Change “SecurityLayer” to 0 (original value =2)
- Close Regedit
- Open Windows Settings back again and Select Accounts
- In Settings>Accounts screen, select Access work or school
- In the Access work or school screen, click + Connect
- In the Set up a work or school account screen, do not enter an email address here but click Join this device to Azure Active Directory
- The next screen looks similar to the screen above but has the title: Let’s get you signed in. Enter in the Work or school account field the account name of the user that will use this device.
- Click Next and enter Password followed by clicking Sign In
- You will get a screen: Make sure this is your organization and click Join
- Click Done
- Restart your Virtual Windows 10 device
- After Reboot, try to reconnect again to the Windows 10 virtual machine
- Log in with the AAD user account that will be using this device.
Bron: Diego Lens van Ingram Micro Cloud
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