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Voeg een Windows 10 computer toe aan Azure Active Directory (AAD)

Prepare your Windows 10 device to join AAD 

  1. If you did not make an RDP connection yet, connect to the newly created O/S, by using the Administrator1 account   
  2. Open Windows Settings 
  3. In the Windows Settings search field type Remote Desktop Settings 
  4. Click the Remote Desktop Settings (><) selection 
  5. In the Remote Desktop screen, scroll down to User accounts and select: ‘Select users that can remotely access this PC’ 
  6. In the Remote Desktop Users screen, click Add 
  7. In the Enter Object Names field, type Authenticated Users and click Check Names 
  8. Add this group and click OK 
  9. Back again in the Remote Desktop screen, scroll up again to the Enable Remote Desktop section, and click Advanced settings  
  10. Uncheck the option: Require computers to use Network Level Authentication and select Proceed Anyway  
  11. Close the Advanced Settings screen 
  12. Change a registry key on the virtual PC to allow AAD logons from a Remote Desktop Client: 
    1. Open RegEdit 
    2. Navigate to this key: 
    3. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\TerminalServer\WinStations\RDP-Tcp  
    4. Change “SecurityLayer” to 0 (original value =2) 
    5. Close Regedit 
  13. Open Windows Settings back again and Select Accounts 
  14. In Settings>Accounts screen, select Access work or school 
  15. In the Access work or school screen, click + Connect 
  16. In the Set up a work or school account screen, do not enter an email address here but click Join this device to Azure Active Directory
  17. The next screen looks similar to the screen above but has the title: Let’s get you signed in.  Enter in the Work or school account field the account name of the user that will use this device.
  18. Click Next and enter Password followed by clicking Sign In 
  19. You will get a screen: Make sure this is your organization and click Join 
  20. Click Done 
  21. Restart your Virtual Windows 10 device 
  22. After Reboot, try to reconnect again to the Windows 10 virtual machine
  23. Log in with the AAD user account that will be using this device.

Bron: Diego Lens van Ingram Micro Cloud

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